Saturday, July 9, 2011

LOCAL TV SHOWS: Why I Like Face To Face

I accidentally discovered this show while channel surfing about a month ago and now it has become a daily staple for me. When I get home and then after dinner, this is the first TV show I watch for my day. Imagine that! A 'talak-serye' to start my night off! It's quite similar to the US TV show - Jerry Springer - but what I like about this show is that the host, Amy Perez is so calm and composed and also the advices of the panel composed of a lawyer, a priest and a psychologist. I guess it's entertainment to watch other people's problems. The human interest angle is just so piqued and then the people they also allow to guest appear so real and not fabricated. I also like the practical advices that the panelists give and it's also interesting how the audience reacts to both parties as they are given the chance to vote whose side they think is more credible.

You may view Face to Face from Monday to Sunday, around 10:30PM on TV5.


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